Surgical and Medical Testimonials
Mr. Imran Masood, B.Sc. MB, ChB, MRCS(Ed), FRCOphth.
Cataract Surgery:
Although I am a highly skilled cataract surgeon taking on some of the most complex cases from the UK and beyond, Peter Shah has added another level of intellectual and technical rigour to my surgical performance. My outcomes are excellent and second to none.
Glaucoma Surgery:
Peter Shah has some of the best published outcomes in glaucoma surgery. When I first arrived in Birmingham, I was aware of the great work he had done in this area and promptly went to watch him operate. My view was that he has already perfected the art of “Trabeculectomy” so why re-invent the wheel. My surgical technique is based on his teachings and again the results are superb.
Elite Performance:
Peter Shah has always inspired me to be an elite performer. We indulge in deep discussions including the psychology and philosophy of pursuing excellence. Achieving elite performance in all walks of life needs a highly skilled mentor who has “walked the path”. As I always say to Peter "I have seen further standing on your shoulders”
MR. Tarun Sharma, MBBS, MD (Glaucoma),FRCSEd.
It is now almost two decades ago since I started my training under Professor Peter Shah but my learning has never ended. He has taught me much more than just an approach to glaucoma and how to improve my surgical results. He essentially taught me how to be a consultant surgeon while taking on the most difficult cases.
In the beginning, I found it very tough. His approach as my trainer was respectful, but quite formal. He expected excellence without complaint. Every second spent in his company has been priceless because of his willingness to share skills, knowledge, and expertise. If you are there to learn, he is there to share his precious pearls of wisdom, or what we call them as Shah’s rule.
I have broken his rules only on two occasions and had to pay a hefty price. He gifted me a book on positive thinking early in my fellowship which changed my outlook and changed my life. His enthusiasm in the field of glaucoma & patient safety is unparalleled. He himself is constantly looking for on-going learning and growth in the knowledge. He prepares all his fellows for life by teaching them the art of medicine. It has been an honour to have worked with him and learnt from him. The only thing he asks for in return is to pass the knowledge & skills on to the next generation.
Mr. Joe Abbott, BmedSci, bmbs, frcopth, consultant ophthalmic surgeon.
Pete has mentored me for more than 10 years. He has generously shared his wisdom, inspired and encouraged me and has also introduced me to many fascinating world experts in the field. Our conversations are a precious space which puts life and work into a wider and more informed perspective. Through these discussions I have been able to see and avoid risks, embrace challenges and enjoy work in a way which otherwise wouldn’t have been possible.
Dr. Freda Sii, MBBS, PG Dip. health economics (Distinction), International olympic commitee dip. Sports nutrition.
Pete is a polymath, and there is no other like him. “Excellence” is his mantra.
He has more energy than anyone I know. He is incredibly generous with his knowledge and skills. He is deeply passionate about helping others achieve their highest potential. One of his favourite phrases is “Effort over ability every time.” He has this unique ability to see what others cannot. These characteristics have made him a world-class strategist and mentor. He also epitomises safety - for patients and health professionals alike. He is also an incredible writer.
You have to trust his process. I have been extremely lucky and grateful to have him as my mentor to guide me.