“Effort over ability every time.”
Elite Surgical Performance
I am particularly interested in mentoring younger surgeons in complex surgery. I have developed an “Elite Surgical Performance Program” that breaks down the essential steps of pre, intra, and post operative care for a range of ophthalmic surgical procedures. The program builds generic and as well as specific surgical skills. Embedding these techniques into the repertoire of a surgeon can result in a substantial reduction in surgical complications.
“Pete is an exceptional mentor. He is insightful, inspirational and exudes positive energy. Pete is dedicated to enabling others to achieve their full potential. His Elite Performance Program has been thoroughly designed to inspire, challenge and motivate. It encourages reflection, self-evaluation and self-improvement. This program had had a positive impact upon every aspect for my life. It has enabled me to focus, identify my goal and create a pathway towards those goals.
I am truly grateful for all that Pete has done for me.”
Ruchika Batra, MBBS FRCOphth
Building Mental Resilience
One of the key elements of my surgical job has been the need to operate on patients who have only one seeing eye. The other may have been lost from trauma or disease etc. Operating on only eye is high-stakes and high impact surgery. As well as my interest in patient safety, I have developed techniques to increase surgical mental resilience, so that surgeons are able to perform this complex and stressful surgery safely day after day.
These mental resilience techniques can be imported into any area of day-to-day life.
Reflections on Elite Performance
I have been interested in the common factors that unite all elite performers, whether in surgery, sport, business or other endeavours. Over the last five years I have been fortunate to be able to meet and interview many elite performers from many diverse fields. I now lecture in elite performance and have formulated a step-wise approach that anyone can use to improve their performance - the “Elite Performance Program”.
I use the word “elite” in an inclusive sense, that celebrates diversity, but that separates peak performance from routine, average performance.