“When we allow silence to reclaim those objects and things of the world, when we allow the words to fall away from them – they reassume their own genius,
and repossess something of their mystery, their infinite possibility.”
Short Stories
I am passionate about collecting and writing short stories. I have been fortunate to be shortlisted for two prestigious writing competitions, the Lorian Hemingway Short Story Competition and the Alpine Fellowship Writing Prize. The former of these being judged in part by the grand-daughter of Ernest Hemingway and the author of three critically acclaimed books, Lorian Hemingway.
I am currently working my first collection of short stories, which have a fictional autobiographical element and cover my entire medical career from, medical student to Professor of Ophthalmic Surgery.
I am studying the craft of poetry and love the stripped-down nature of poetic verse. I enjoy the challenge of finding the one unusual or perfect word that captures the essence of a description. I am fascinated by the discipline involved in writing with total economy of language. I am working on completing my first collection of poems.
Masters of Arts (Creative Writing)
I graduated as a Master of Arts with Distinction from the Creative Writing Program at Teesside University in 2019. This superb program is run by the brilliant Dr. Sophie Nicholls with the support of an amazing team of writers. I am passionate about bridging the gap between literature and medicine. I am also interesting in helping build resilience in young surgeons through journaling. I am currently planning my PhD with Dr. Nicholls and hope to tie this in with publishing my first collection of short stories.