Professor Peter Shah works with the following organisations:
Sight for east africa
Since 2010, my Glaucoma team at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust has had an international link with Dr. Heiko Philippin at the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre. Together with Dr. Freda Sii and Mr. Rustom Bativala, we have initiated an International Sandwich Glaucoma Fellowship Program.
Dr. Philippin has become a close colleague and collaborator in research. He is the chief investigator on the Kilimanjaro Glaucoma Intervention Program in Tanzania and is supported by out team at University Hospital Birmingham.
Queen Elizabeth hospital birmingham charity
In 2016 I set up the Birmingham Institute for Glaucoma Research (BIGR) through the Institute of Translational Medicine at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. Our hard-working research team at the BIGR aims to eliminate avoidable glaucoma blindness through a multi-phase, multi-disciplinary research program.
Glaucoma UK
Glaucoma UK is a UK based, patient focused charity. Glaucoma UK has a program to offer help and advice to everyone affected by sight loss from glaucoma. Glaucoma UK has an active research program into the prevention of glaucoma blindness.
For further information or to support their work please visit the link below.